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Mousse Script is based on Glenmoy, a 1932 Stephenson Blake typeface. Glenmoy a prime example of what display typography was in pre-WWII American ad art. It graced the pages of magazines, sold numerous products and services, then simply died out when the typographic trends shifted towards the more personalized, stylized and handwritten types of calligraphy.
The current trend in typography is a revivalism that brings all of the distinctive display typography of the 20th century, without chronological discrimination, back in the name of ‘retro’. Who are we to deny the masses what they want?
Mousse Script doesn’t just bring Glenmoy back from the ashes of the 20th century. It expands upon the limited metal character set nearly twice over and takes advantage of the latest type technologies. This makes Mousse Script a striking typeface, both functionally and visually.
A simple, attractive display font on the surface, Mousse Script is unique in its bold upright calligraphy, something rarely found these days. The OpenType version of Mousse Script combines both the regular and alternate character sets into a single, cross-platform package that takes advantage of the extended typographic features of the OpenType format.